

"Mississippi Woman"
In listening to the radio and view the news on tv, I've heard many parents say that they are allowing their children to watch the news reports. I understand as a parent you don't want to expose your child to everything just yet, but this is reality.

Shouldn't these current events be explain to them? When they come home from school with million of questions, shouldn't they be answered? Why keep this reality from them? What do you think, esp the ones with a child or more?
I explained everything to my oldest Tuesday, and they have also discussed it in her classes at school. I don't make her watch coverage, but I won't put her out of the room if I am watching. This is her world, too. She needs to know what is going on.
I have discussed this with my oldest because he was more distraught about his football game being cancelled. After talking about priorities and understanding what exactly happened, he was more receptive to his game being cancelled. They did have a discussion about this at his school about it and he is so hyped about all the other countries in the world backing the USA in what ever venture the government will do. For my younger ones I ask them did they understand what happen and they told me that a plane crashed into a building and a lot of people got hurt. I did not make them watch the tv but if I was watching it in my room I wouldn't change the channel.
My son thought it looked like a scene out of Independence Day or something. Real but not really real. Further talks did seem to clarify a lot for him though. Unfortunately, he is now very scared. But hiding the truth doesn't make things go away and he has to deal with this the best way an 11 yo, with the help of his parents, can.
Originally posted by chocalate_topaz
My son thought it looked like a scene out of Independence Day or something.