Carol Moseley Braun formally announces White House candidacy


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Braun formally announces White House candidacy

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democrat Carol Moseley Braun formally declared herself a presidential candidate Monday, forging ahead with a campaign in an otherwise all-male contest for the White House.

"I am uniquely qualified to do the job of president, and I offer the clearest alternative to this current administration, whose only new idea has been pre-emptive war and a huge new bureaucracy," Braun said.

"A woman can fix the mess they have created, because we are practical, we are not afraid of partnerships and we are committed to making the world better for our children." (Profile)

Monday's kickoff schedule started with speeches at two historically black colleges -- Howard University in Washington and Benedict College in Columbia, South Carolina, Braun's final appearance was scheduled in her home town of Chicago, where she got her start in politics 25 years ago with election to the Illinois Legislature.

She rose to become the only black woman to serve in the Senate. Her election in 1992 was heralded as an advance for women and minorities, but her popularity fell amid accusations that she exercised poor judgment in visiting Nigeria's brutal former dictator Sani Abacha and misused campaign funds.

A campaign finance investigation cleared Braun, but she lost her seat to well-funded Republican challenger Peter Fitzgerald in 1998. After the defeat, President Clinton appointed her ambassador to New Zealand.

After five years out of politics, Braun has struggled to build a fund-raising network in her presidential campaign. She has pleaded for financial support, especially when speaking to women's groups, but raised less than $250,000 in the first half of the year.

Last month, she picked up her first two major endorsements from the National Organization for Women and the National Women's Political Caucus. Leaders of both groups said they would help raise money for her among their members, and their support gave Braun encouragement to continue her bid beyond the exploratory phase.

Braun ranks near the bottom in most surveys, but some polls show her with more support than some of her better-financed rivals. She ranks higher in some polls of black voters.

She has avoided much of the intra-party fighting of her rivals who confront each other in an effort to rise to the top of the field. Her criticism has been focused on President Bush's policies at home and abroad.

"America is at a tipping point -- if we stay the course we are on now, we won't recognize this country five years from now," she said in Monday's speech. "But if we shift gears, try another way, tap some of the talent that has been relegated to the sidelines of leadership, we can heal and renew and save our country."

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Consider her to do what? What has she done to be considered a legitimate candidate for the presidency? She doesn't have a chance in hell of getting close to the democratic nomination. Her campaign seems to be totally self serving. You Democrats just better sit back and wait until Bush gets his second term in, then get some real candidates with a chance to win in 2008.
Its something called people died for the right for us to vote and thats how I choose to exercise it. Them folks don't love us anyway. So when who ever is elected pulls stuff like the present administration, I know that was not my candidate and I don't feel guilty.
Originally posted by Suge
Consider her to do what? What has she done to be considered a legitimate candidate for the presidency? She doesn't have a chance in hell of getting close to the democratic nomination. Her campaign seems to be totally self serving. You Democrats just better sit back and wait until Bush gets his second term in, then get some real candidates with a chance to win in 2008.

Well, if Bush does not get the economy back on track and do something about Iraq, there ain't gonna be a second term.

I feel you on Carol Moseley Braun, however.
One Question T/Bama.......

Exactly who is going to take it from Bush? There is not one democratic candidate hat has a legit chance of winning against Bush. i don't care what is going on with the economy or Iraq. the democratsstill don't have a candidate that has a chance to actually give Bush any type of run for his money. There are what? 10 demo candidates as of right now. Half of America can't name you 3 of them.
Originally posted by Suge
One Question T/Bama.......

Exactly who is going to take it from Bush? There is not one democratic candidate hat has a legit chance of winning against Bush. i don't care what is going on with the economy or Iraq. the democratsstill don't have a candidate that has a chance to actually give Bush any type of run for his money. There are what? 10 demo candidates as of right now. Half of America can't name you 3 of them.

The same could've been said of Clinton in 1991. The only thing we knew about him was concerning the Gennifer Flowers thing. Once a single nominee is chosen, he'll have a legitimate shot at winning this thing.
Originally posted by Suge
One Question T/Bama.......

Exactly who is going to take it from Bush? There is not one democratic candidate hat has a legit chance of winning against Bush. i don't care what is going on with the economy or Iraq. the democratsstill don't have a candidate that has a chance to actually give Bush any type of run for his money. There are what? 10 demo candidates as of right now. Half of America can't name you 3 of them.

I agree with you Suge that there is not one Democratic candidate who could beat Bush at this moment. But you must keep in mind, that the presidental election is still a long way off and anything can happen between now and then. And if this economy gets any worse, and those body bags keep coming back from Iraq, then Bush will have trouble getting re-elected.

(Hell, he wasn't really elected the first time but I better leave that alone.)
Originally posted by JSU/99
The same could've been said of Clinton in 1991. The only thing we knew about him was concerning the Gennifer Flowers thing. Once a single nominee is chosen, he'll have a legitimate shot at winning this thing.

My sentiments exactly.
You can't compare Clinton in 1991 to any of the the current demo candidates. In 91 Clinton was a name. He was the front runner of a large group of candidates at the time. He had a shot. Who exactly is the current demo front runner? Who exactly will be the one to lead the charge and get the demo nomination? I understand your points about Clintin being behind in the early poles, and essintially stealing the 1992 election. But not one of the demo candidates stands out from the rest. We have a year until the next election, by this time in Clintons run, he was putting distance between himself and the other candidates. Now one of the demo candidates right now can say that.

Again I say you can't name 3 of them, because they are all of no relavance to the big picture. They will be the walter Mondale of today.

If the demo thought they had a real shot at winning, you would see your one real candidate on the move, and that is Hillay. But you can see she is staying out of the fray.
Originally posted by Suge
by this time in Clintons run, he was putting distance between himself and the other candidates. Now one of the demo candidates right now can say that.

I don't know about that, Suge. I think Clark and Dean are the frontrunners, with Dean still maintaining the lead. The one thing that separates these two from the others...especially in Dean's case, is the fact that they are NOT afraid to lash into Bushy's arse for his poor economic policies, and this farce of a war he's gotten us into. Being a retired general, Clark will be especially tough on him and Iraq.

Frankly, I'm just glad to see some of the Democratic candidates finally stand up to this cowboy tyrant! If things don't improve as far as the defecit, and Americans continue to die in Iraq, I think we can look for this little nitwit to be run out of Washington with torches and rocks!
Originally posted by Suge
You can't compare Clinton in 1991 to any of the the current demo candidates. In 91 Clinton was a name. He was the front runner of a large group of candidates at the time. He had a shot. Who exactly is the current demo front runner? Who exactly will be the one to lead the charge and get the demo nomination? I understand your points about Clintin being behind in the early poles, and essintially stealing the 1992 election. But not one of the demo candidates stands out from the rest. We have a year until the next election, by this time in Clintons run, he was putting distance between himself and the other candidates. Now one of the demo candidates right now can say that.

Again I say you can't name 3 of them, because they are all of no relavance to the big picture. They will be the walter Mondale of today.

If the demo thought they had a real shot at winning, you would see your one real candidate on the move, and that is Hillay. But you can see she is staying out of the fray.

Not exactly. Clinton was annoited as one to watch by the press because of his "young rising star" status in the democratic party. But he wasn't the front runner, Mario Cuomo was. What Clinton had was the best orgainization and fund-raisers which gave him sort of an insider's advantage. However as a candidate, he didn't break away from the field until after the 'Super Tuesday" primaries.

As for now, the democrats have a legitimate shot next year. Having do many candidates isn't a problem because weeding out the pretenders is gonna take some time. By the the Southern Primaries, it should be a 2 horse race.
Originally posted by Suge
I understand your points about Clintin being behind in the early poles, and essintially stealing the 1992 election.

Stealing....election???? Naw, I better leave that alone. :lol:
The only way the Democrats can get into the Oval Office is if they wait another 4 years.......Hillary Clinton-President....Wesley Clark-Vice President.....also Mosely Braun is in my opinion the best black candidate that we have ever had run for president. Realistically speaking she will not win. It's not a race thing, it's just being real. Al Sharpton should go run for mayor of a metro area or something.

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Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
.....also Mosely Braun is in my opinion the best black candidate that we have ever had run for president. Realistically speaking she will not win. It's not a race thing, it's just being real.

More like the worse. She squandered he Senate career because of scandal and ineffectiveness.