Bronny James suffers a heart attack during workouts at USC

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Yea prayers for Bronny also happy the athletic staff was able to sustain him tell the paramedics arrived. Prayerful we hope he makes a full recovery.
This is becoming a problem in our community. A lot of young black athletics have preexisting heart problems that was not found as babies, and either parents are finding out to late, or at the time of college sports where the workouts are much harder.
What Bronny and family should do is allow Bronny to shadow Lebron's childhood friend that is a sports agent....prepare Bronny to run Lebron's business and be the future agent for his brother. Life is not over.....think positive

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What Bronny and family should do is allow Bronny to shadow Lebron's childhood friend that is a sports agent....prepare Bronny to run Lebron's business and be the future agent for his brother. Life is not over.....think positive
He can still hoop, man.