Bonds to sue over book


Well-Known Member
SAN FRANCISCO -- Barry Bonds plans to sue the authors and publisher of a book that alleges the San Francisco Giants' slugger used steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs, saying they used "illegally obtained" grand jury transcripts.

Bonds' attorneys sent a letter Thursday to an agent for the authors of Game of Shadows, alerting them of plans to sue the writers, publisher Gotham Books, the San Francisco Chronicle and Sports Illustrated, which published excerpts this month.
geez, is his team, MLB, Balco and all the people who swear he is a freak going to be sued too??? yawn

Game over... go get the rest of the cheaters... whomever they are. The cheaters cheapen our sports experiences and they need to suffer.

If we want cheaters (pro wrestling and boxing) we'll pay for them. :)

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GramFan said:
SAN FRANCISCO -- Barry Bonds plans to sue the authors and publisher of a book that alleges the San Francisco Giants' slugger used steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs, saying they used "illegally obtained" grand jury transcripts.

Notice Bonds doesn't say the authors lied, they just said the transcripts were obtained illegally.
Get em Bonds

Those bastards are smart to capitalize on a hot topic that everybody wants to believe. Bonds must still be on steroids since he is still slapping the cover off the ball. People are kinda over looking that.

One other thing that has been overlooked. The Balco guys said one day this week, that he did NOT give Bonds any steroids. The media or ESPN or the talks shows didnt repeat this over and over and over. That only got a sentence on the crawl script on the bottom of the TV.

GR hopes against all hope that Bonds hits 716 and quits. The powers that be didnt want him to pass that alcholic womanizing over rated Babe Ruth. MLB and the media is willing to tear down MLB just to keep Bonds from breaking the record. Little did they know it would end up hurting everyone but Bonds.
Get Ready said:
Get em Bonds

GR hopes against all hope that Bonds hits 716 and quits. The powers that be didnt want him to pass that alcholic womanizing over rated Babe Ruth. MLB and the media is willing to tear down MLB just to keep Bonds from breaking the record. Little did they know it would end up hurting everyone but Bonds.

Co-signing with A1 credit.

This thing has been the biggest witchhunt since the Salem trials. MLB, and the media have done everything possible to keep Babe Ruth's records in tact, and at all cost. So much so that when Roger Maris broke Ruth's homerun record, they put an asterisk next to it, because more games were played in a season than when Ruth played, and he wasn't alcoholic, womanizing Mickey Mantle.

If only Barry Bonds were Cal Ripken, Jr, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Noboby ever talks about how big Cal got when he got older, he was just genetically built that way I guess?

bluedog said:
Um, hasn't Hank Aaron already broken babe ruth record?
Yea but Aaron was a right hander. Bonds wants to be known as the greatest left handed hitter of all time. Years ago, he said he wanted to make the world forget about Babe Ruth. This is an excerpt from an article that I had copied into Word way back:

"In the baseball world, Babe Ruth is everything, right? I got his slugging percentage. On-base percentage. Walks. And I'll take his home runs. That's it. Don't talk about him no more."
bluedog said:
Um, hasn't Hank Aaron already broken babe ruth record?
Exactly! This has nothing to do with Babe Ruth. Aaron owns the record and for some reason people either purposely ignore this fact or simply don't know it.

Bottomline, Bonds is a sorry sack of mess!
SAME OLD G said:
Exactly! This has nothing to do with Babe Ruth. Aaron owns the record and for some reason people either purposely ignore this fact or simply don't know it.

What you just said is bullisht and you know it. Everyone in the world (especially Barry Bonds) knows and acknowledges that Hank Aaron is the true homerun king. The reason Ruth is in the discussion is because Bonds has stated publically that his main goal was not the break Aaron's record but to pass Ruth.

Wake me up when Bonds fails his first drug test.
SAME OLD G said:
...Bottomline, Bonds is a sorry sack of mess!
__________________________ X co-sign

Judge denies Bonds' bid
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A judge denied Barry Bonds' bid to block the authors and publishers from making money on a book claiming the San Francisco Giants slugger used steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs, and said Bonds' suit against them has little chance of success. ...
JSU/99 said:
What you just said is bullisht and you know it.
Uhhh....I don't need you speaking for me. Bonds is sorry azz MOFO...period! Now, if you want to have sympathy for his cheatin' ass so be it.

Say what you want about Babe Ruth...he may have had some off the field issues, but I think its pretty safe to say that he at least wasn't on "roids". Babe Ruth wasn't a cheater...I can't say that about Berry Bonds.
SAME OLD G said:
Uhhh....I don't need you speaking for me. Bonds is sorry azz MOFO...period! Now, if you want to have sympathy for his cheatin' ass so be it.

Say what you want about Babe Ruth...he may have had some off the field issues, but I think its pretty safe to say that he at least wasn't on "roids". Babe Ruth wasn't a cheater...I can't say that about Berry Bonds.

No I guess he wasn't on roids - he just faced watered down competition thanks to baseball's racist past. And how do we know for sure that he never cheated? Let's not forget that baseball never had drug testing. Abuse of amphetamines (speed, greenies) are as much a baseball tradition as hotdogs. The fact is the press has been ready to hang Bonds ever since he broke the homerun record, before then even because he's an a--hole. He's never failed a drug test and the only evidence that he knowingly used drugs is circumstantial at best. He was a great player before all this mess and he's a great player now.
Get Ready said:
Get em Bonds

Those bastards are smart to capitalize on a hot topic that everybody wants to believe. Bonds must still be on steroids since he is still slapping the cover off the ball. People are kinda over looking that.

One other thing that has been overlooked. The Balco guys said one day this week, that he did NOT give Bonds any steroids. The media or ESPN or the talks shows didnt repeat this over and over and over. That only got a sentence on the crawl script on the bottom of the TV.

GR hopes against all hope that Bonds hits 716 and quits. The powers that be didnt want him to pass that alcholic womanizing over rated Babe Ruth. MLB and the media is willing to tear down MLB just to keep Bonds from breaking the record. Little did they know it would end up hurting everyone but Bonds.

Co-Sign as well !!!

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JSU/99 said:
No I guess he wasn't on roids - he just faced watered down competition thanks to baseball's racist past. And how do we know for sure that he never cheated? Let's not forget that baseball never had drug testing. Abuse of amphetamines (speed, greenies) are as much a baseball tradition as hotdogs. The fact is the press has been ready to hang Bonds ever since he broke the homerun record, before then even because he's an a--hole. He's never failed a drug test and the only evidence that he knowingly used drugs is circumstantial at best. He was a great player before all this mess and he's a great player now.

Preach !