Being Called a N.I.G.G.E.R.

Dr. Sweet NUPE

New Member
Last night I'm on my motorcycle with some of my boys white and black. It's was about 20 of us. So as we are standing out by the bikes, 3 white boys roll by in a truck and scream N.I.G.G.E.R.s and N.I.G.G.E.R. lovers.......

The average age with the guys that I ride with is 29 so we are older...professionals who just ride street bikes as a hobby. Well as soon as it happened 2 white guys and a black guy started the bikes up and followed them. Now the entire world knows you cannot out run a bike. So seeing that they went after them....everybody else went.

We finally caught up with them at a club named COWBOYS and literally we were at MEXICAN STANDOFF...20 bikers on street bikes and a bunch on hick white men. Then the cops rolled up. We explained what happened and they stated we were wrong for chasing them.

I place this in the "Round Table Discussion" because I have never in my 30 years of living heard someone call me a N.I.G.G.E.R. or refer to a white person I'm with as a N.I.G.G.E.R. lover. I know most of you will say, welcome to America...but this is not what America is about. Just earlier that evening about 12 of the bikers were at a as white bikers home.....white and black men and women.....and we had a great time......

Part of me understood where the cops were coming from because racism is a sickening disease which starts being treated at home. I have said racist comments about white people in the past but as I got older I and my family developed close relationships with white people. The side of me that did not understand where the cops were coming from was the angry side of me....just being referred to as that hurt....

I think it's good that we chased them and placed into their minds that doing something like that does not sit well with Blacks or Whites. The sad part about it was, the cops tried to say and I qoute, "Most of you guys are professionals and educated, you should have just shrugged it off."

I am no longer mad because last night they tried to set the precedence by degrading us...and we reset the precedence by saying they we will not let that S.H.I.T. ride.
Actually, the cops were right in this case. A bunch of drunk, screwin their sister trailer park trash yell out racial slurs to you and your friends and you pursue them to kick their asses.......but, guess what..somebody pulls out a gun and kills somebody...then you got a riot.

Look at the situation from a common sense standpoint....
The people with the most to lose, would have been wrong in this instance because you pursued them after a "verbal" insult. If using the N word was against the law then every racist, comedian, and rapper would be in jail.

When the police rolled up and had you guys been fighting then they would have hauled "everybody" off to jail regardless of who started what. That meant Bail Money, Court appearances, Jail time, Assault charges, Hospital and Medical bills, and just think if somebody pulled a gun. You guys had more to lose....period. Half of them Rednecks probably have been on an episode of Cops.

Personally, I always carry a gun..I have a permit to do so. So I know I have to practice restraint. If somebody calls me a N***** and I pull it out, then I go to jail....period. So the only time I will do so is if I think my life is threatned.

I know emotions were running high, I have been in that situation before...and the white guys I was hanging with were the ones to throw the first blows on the racist bastids, which lets you know that a lot of people are tired of that isht. There was a direct corellation between their ignorance and their racism, which is what the cops were basically trying to convey to you guys.

I agree with Makaho. But is is hard not to want to fight when someone "throws" it at you.

I don't allow a black person to say it or speak it in my presence so I know I won't allow a white person to say it.
I say bump them hicks. I know it is hard to ingnore those punks but as I get older I say screw those losers. They are just stuck with misery.
Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
It's just a sad situation.

Exactly Nupe.....

You.. with your intelligence and success are far more of a thorn in their side than their own inability to achieve and subsist despite being a white man in America, which should have no excuse for achieving, because no one stood in their way. For whatever reason, they have convinced themselves that you somehow, have been granted a silver spoon to achieve all that you have in life. It is easy for them to convince themselves that you can't possibly have superior intellect to them and shout out venom that they think will scar you. But they don't realize that you are bonded with Diggs, and are a better man than they could ever be. And as a result, they are truly sad and will have a hot corner in Hell waiting for them.
Originally posted by Makaho Bedrock
Exactly Nupe.....

You.. with your intelligence and success are far more of a thorn in their side than their own inability to achieve and subsist despite being a white man in America, which should have no excuse for achieving, because no one stood in their way. For whatever reason, they have convinced themselves that you somehow, have been granted a silver spoon to achieve all that you have in life. It is easy for them to convince themselves that you can't possibly have superior intellect to them and shout out venom that they think will scar you. But they don't realize that you are bonded with Diggs, and are a better man than they could ever be. And as a result, they are truly sad and will have a hot corner in Hell waiting for them.

You laid that down quite nicely, Homeboy.......

Man bump that, you all did the right in chasing them down. That was just plain ole disrepect. People like that have to be brought to reality and let it be known that we ain't playin'. And even if they had guns, they did not know what you all had. Look at it like this, if they know that they can get away with it, they will continue to harass us. This passiveness gotsta go.
Originally posted by northern tiger
Man bump that, you all did the right in chasing them down. That was just plain ole disrepect. People like that have to be brought to reality and let it be known that we ain't playin'. And even if they had guns, they did not know what you all had. Look at it like this, if they know that they can get away with it, they will continue to harass us. This passiveness gotsta go.

So let me get this straight, they should have faced being shot or shooting someone just because someone yelled a Word that can be heard on any Rap music station 200 times in a day??

If an intelligent black man goes to jail over something like that, then the racists have won. That's one less positive male role model which we can't afford to lose that will be lost to the fray. Intelligence must always rule over anger.......period.
Originally posted by Makaho Bedrock
Exactly Nupe.....

You.. with your intelligence and success are far more of a thorn in their side than their own inability to achieve and subsist despite being a white man in America, which should have no excuse for achieving, because no one stood in their way.

Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
Last night I'm on my motorcycle with some of my boys white and black. It's was about 20 of us. So as we are standing out by the bikes, 3 white boys roll by in a truck and scream N.I.G.G.E.R.s and N.I.G.G.E.R. lovers.......

The average age with the guys that I ride with is 29 so we are older...professionals who just ride street bikes as a hobby. Well as soon as it happened 2 white guys and a black guy started the bikes up and followed them. Now the entire world knows you cannot out run a bike. So seeing that they went after them....everybody else went.

We finally caught up with them at a club named COWBOYS and literally we were at MEXICAN STANDOFF...20 bikers on street bikes and a bunch on hick white men. Then the cops rolled up. We explained what happened and they stated we were wrong for chasing them.

I place this in the "Round Table Discussion" because I have never in my 30 years of living heard someone call me a N.I.G.G.E.R. or refer to a white person I'm with as a N.I.G.G.E.R. lover. I know most of you will say, welcome to America...but this is not what America is about. Just earlier that evening about 12 of the bikers were at a as white bikers home.....white and black men and women.....and we had a great time......

Part of me understood where the cops were coming from because racism is a sickening disease which starts being treated at home. I have said racist comments about white people in the past but as I got older I and my family developed close relationships with white people. The side of me that did not understand where the cops were coming from was the angry side of me....just being referred to as that hurt....

I think it's good that we chased them and placed into their minds that doing something like that does not sit well with Blacks or Whites. The sad part about it was, the cops tried to say and I qoute, "Most of you guys are professionals and educated, you should have just shrugged it off."

I am no longer mad because last night they tried to set the precedence by degrading us...and we reset the precedence by saying they we will not let that S.H.I.T. ride.

Don't let your emotions control your intellect. I'm surprised you have not experiecenced a lot more of this DSN considering the area you are staying in.

I never will forget while in the Navy, a White guy told me that some of them try to think of shat to piss bruh's off so that Black men can get written up or court martialed to be sent to the brig.

That was the enviroment of the ship that I was on, everyday somebody trying to say something to piss you off. A Chief Petty Officer who was a brother, told me always use the pen, the paper and the law to get back at white folks who try to put the shaft to you. They understand that more so than heated words and frustration.

I wonder what kind of impact would it have made if you had charged them with terroristic threatning.
I agree with Bedrock.

Far too many of us have gotten really messed up because of some trivial stuff, that at the end of the day, really doesn't matter.

The potential for all the bad stuff that could have happened by chasing those guys FAR exceed anything positive.

Northen Tiger,
Imagine, going to jail, getting seriously hurt, or somebody being killed behind something like that, just throwing lives and futures away because you and your friends chased some rednecks who yelled "n****r" to you. Ask yourself, is it worth that much??
Originally posted by Makaho Bedrock
So let me get this straight, they should have faced being shot or shooting someone just because someone yelled a Word that can be heard on any Rap music station 200 times in a day??

If an intelligent black man goes to jail over something like that, then the racists have won. That's one less positive male role model which we can't afford to lose that will be lost to the fray. Intelligence must always rule over anger.......period.

That perspective has pretty much gotten us nowhere. You see what happened this past weekend. Be passive if you want. I got into it with a dude in a hospital parking lot becasue some pilgram women did not want to back her car up when I was trying to park. Homey got out of his car, walked pass her car, and told me to find another parking space. I would have been "you know what" if I had. All she had to do was put her car in reverse. She had PLENTY of space and she choose not to. We had the parking lot backed up two levels. Don't think I was not waiting for that word to come out of his mouth. But in the end, she eventually backed the f-up. And I had on a suit at the time of this incident. He yelled something other than that "word" at me when he drove past and security stopped him. Play that intelligent mess all you want, they are going to do what they please. Please free master from us.
I feel we were not chasing them to be violent but to make them realize that this S.h.i.t. cannot be allowed any was more of a....

"You degraded us and we don't like it and we are letting you know that both races agree that racism is wrong. Now if you want to bust....we can bust. But we are not going to lay down and let it go."
On being call a n-word, half humorous half serious

"Momma says n-word is as n-word does."

,,, until there's an eminent threat of physical violence, then we must adapt accordingly to the situation.


Sincerely, Forrest Bart


Why do people let words get to you so much? It is just that, a word. And I refuse to allow a whiteman, or any other man have power over me and my actions by directing a racial slur towards me. I work in a field that is void of faces of color, and the pucblic that I deal with is overwhelmingly void of color. And yes on my job I have been called a n****r. But did I fly off the handle and try to strangle the guy? Absolutely not. Why? Because I am smarter than that, and I was smarter than that guy. I still laugh at his reaction after realizing that calling me a n****r didn't affect me. He turned 100 different shades of red and cussed and fussed because I didn't respond like he expected me to. The typical way.

The reason is because it is a mind game. And I know that am so much smarter than that. Had I gotten mad and "cussed" the guy, or even worse tried to get physical, I would have lost my job and my life. I would have been the one sitting somewhere looking stuck on stupid, why? Because someone called me a name. And when you think of it that way, you see just how childish it sounds when you want to hit someone or "let them know" that it won't be tolerated because of a word. No man defines me but me, and someone using any word or phrase directed towards me does nothing to change my mentality. Be that word a racial slur or just a personal insult.
Originally posted by Suge
Why do people let words get to you so much? It is just that, a word. And I refuse to allow a whiteman, or any other man have power over me and my actions by directing a racial slur towards me. I work in a field that is void of faces of color, and the pucblic that I deal with is overwhelmingly void of color. And yes on my job I have been called a n****r. But did I fly off the handle and try to strangle the guy? Absolutely not. Why? Because I am smarter than that, and I was smarter than that guy. I still laugh at his reaction after realizing that calling me a n****r didn't affect me. He turned 100 different shades of red and cussed and fussed because I didn't respond like he expected me to. The typical way.

The reason is because it is a mind game. And I know that am so much smarter than that. Had I gotten mad and "cussed" the guy, or even worse tried to get physical, I would have lost my job and my life. I would have been the one sitting somewhere looking stuck on stupid, why? Because someone called me a name. And when you think of it that way, you see just how childish it sounds when you want to hit someone or "let them know" that it won't be tolerated because of a word. No man defines me but me, and someone using any word or phrase directed towards me does nothing to change my mentality. Be that word a racial slur or just a personal insult.

SUGE sooner or later this type of S.H.I.T. has to stop.....on a job...I understand you reaction....yet on the street with many ethnic groups hanging together...that mess does not fly dude.....We as black people have been referred to as the "N" word too long...the point that we were making was....showing them that there are white and black people who are sick of racism...and we verbally made it known.

Since we are in a motorcycle cloub together we have asked each business owner if they would place down with racism signs in their bars and a large majority have agreed to.....
I think you have to channel your anger somewhere else when this happens. This will not be the last time that you are called the n word. Something that has stuck with me over the years that I will pass to you and anybody else who find this comforting.

It is not what someone calls you, but, it is what you answer to that matters.
Originally posted by The Show
I think you have to channel your anger somewhere else when this happens. This will not be the last time that you are called the n word. Something that has stuck with me over the years that I will pass to you and anybody else who find this comforting.

It is not what someone calls you, but, it is what you answer to that matters.

Read my last post to SUGE....the anger was turned into thought....we are including the area bars to include no racism signs.
Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
Read my last post to SUGE....the anger was turned into thought....we are including the area bars to include no racism signs.


It doesn't matter how many signs you post, if the individual is not changed within, it won't matter. In other words, the person has to be ready to change, otherwise it is just like posting a speed limit sign. You are not going to be open to obey it unless You are ready and willing.

Brush that crap off! That is a word that will be spoken until the day Jesus returns. Those people have been taught that, but you have been taught better. They don't pay your bills nor sign your checks.

The key part of your story was that they yelled it and RAN!! If they are not man/woman enough to stay and say it, who is really the coward?

The Show is right. It's only what you answer to that matters. :cool:
Originally posted by ShyLadyTiger

It doesn't matter how many signs you post, if the individual is not changed within, it won't matter. In other words, the person has to be ready to change, otherwise it is just like posting a speed limit sign. You are not going to be open to obey it unless You are ready and willing.

Brush that crap off! That is a word that will be spoken until the day Jesus returns. Those people have been taught that, but you have been taught better. They don't pay your bills nor sign your checks.

The key part of your story was that they yelled it and RAN!! If they are not man/woman enough to stay and say it, who is really the coward?

The Show is right. It's only what you answer to that matters. :cool:

We're not just a bunch of guys who get together and ride...we created this organization to make change....yes or tempers got the best of us and we went after them...later at our meeting we decided to do some positive change....
Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
We're not just a bunch of guys who get together and ride...we created this organization to make change....yes or tempers got the best of us and we went after them...later at our meeting we decided to do some positive change....

Nothing wrong with positivity! :tup:

Just don't chase anyone else down because they said the 'n' word. I would hate to hear of you taking a ride in that five-door Cadillac. And I don't mean an Escalade either! :D
Hey D S N,
I totally understand your anger. When I read your story it took
me back to the 4th grade when a little white girl called me a
n****r (because my hair was longer than hers and she was
jealous). My experience was somewhat different in that I
beat her until two teachers pulled me away. I did some
real damage to that kid...and no one blamed me...everyone
blamed her... Her parents were called in and had to explain
where she heard such a word. What I learnd later is that I
was absolutely wrong that day. BUT DAMN IT FELT GOOD!
When my Dad picked me up from school and found out what
happened he took me out for ice cream to celebrate.

I'm glad the cops showed up when they did, because it would
not have been worth your life to defend yourself from a "word".
Especially since it doesn't even apply to you, brother.
Dr. Sweet Nupe,

In this case, you just have to say forget it. Those rednecks were probably uneducated and stupid. I've been in that same situation. I was called a n****r when I went to a friends wedding in Hammond, Louisiana back in 1999. I grew up in Mississippi and had never been called a n****r before. The only reason that I was about to fight the guys was because they approached the car that I was in. I was in disbelief! I think a lot of whites in the south still have that racist mentality. This is not to say that it doesn't happen anywhere else in the U.S.