ATL Airport Name Change

cat daddy

Active Member
Should the city of Atlanta change the name of the airport to honor former mayor Maynard Jackson? Based upon what I've read and heard there are strong arguments on both sides.

ATL peeps. What's your opinion?
Being a born and rasied Atlanta resident I feel as though they should name Hartsfeild after him. Maynard Jackson made Atl. what it is. Before him Atl. was just another hick southern city and Ga. was known as a hick state. There are so many successful people in the Metro because he made sure everyone got a peice of the pie. He took on the Ga. rednecks when everyone else was scared of them. He brought change to a southern state which is dang near impossible to do. So why not honor the man. There are alot people who has Benefited off Atl. that don't have the cities best interest at heart. Most of the transplants could care less about who laid the foundation of Atl. because all they see is the New Atlanta but I was there when Atl. went through its growing pains so I say honor the man. I plan on going home in the next couple of years getting in politics to try and restore the pride that the City it self one had not including the Metro counties. See there was a time when Cobb, Gwinnett, Douglass or any of the other counties did not want to have anything to do with Atl. but when Maynard got thru everyone wanted a peice of the pie.

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Cee, should they take off the name of the man that did all the work to get the airport built? Hartsfield is who went out and secured the land where the airport sits. He also was responsible for selling the whole idea of building such the airport to the city council as well as the State of GA.
Hartsfield may have secured the land but he did not move the city in the direction it needed to be. Don't get me wrong Hartsfield played a role in the airport that helped brought in change to Atl but Maynard took Atl from just being a southern town to a international city.
I see both sides too. It's no denying that Jackson played a HUGE role in Atlanta being "Atlanta". I wouldn't have a problem with the airport being renamed after him. However, I can understand what the Hartsfield supporters are saying about taking his name off. To be fair, maybe Hartsfield-Jackson

btw, it would be a disgrace for them to only name a terminal in Jackson's honor, as has been suggested by "some" folks.
I agree MH they should just name it Hartsfield-Jackson and be done with it, but they really need a second airport any way so just go ahead build a second one for discount airlines like southwest and be thru with it.

,,, oh boy,,, this is right down my alley. it is over. i'm going to reply to this thread until i'm blue in the face, EB Bdayumed. :D

i'm not an ATL peep but,,,,, oh well. this is a topic near and dear to my heart; economic development, so I must weigh in! :p

This is a no-brainer. Hartsfield should remain Hartsfield. Name the new airport (surely Atlanta will finagle a way to build another airport bigger than Hartsfield.) for Maynard or name Atlanta's second outer loop after Maynard.

If it wasn't for Hartsfield, there would be no Hartsfield and no Atlanta as we know it. Now, that said,,,, I have said REPEATEDLY on countless forums that Ivan Allen, Maynard and Andrew are/were TEXTBOOK mayors and set the standard for obscure southern metro areas trying to go to the next level.

I have often glossed Richard Arrington as the "Maynard Jackson" of Birmingham,,,,,, only thing is,, there were just too many anti-everything MORONIC BITTERMEN in Birmingham/state of Alabama out to sabatage anything that a black politically controlled Birmingham done post-the 60s just to "get back at" Birmingham for the ouster of the pre-70s political regeme.

I say all that to say I have ultimate props for Maynard and Andy Young, but to rename Hartsfield is not called for given the MONUMENTAL roll William B. Harsfield played in putting Atlanta on the postal/aviation map in the first place. Name a new airport or the second loop after Maynard. There's no reason to rename Hartsfield.
I can go along with a Hartsfield-Jackson airport.

Should Andrew Young succeed Zell Miller in the senate, I think he will represent ordinary Georgians better than Miller is doing. But I think that Maynard did more for the average Atlantan than Andrew Young did. Maynard was the one who got Black people the city contracts. Andrew Young was too concerned with what the White business community wanted. Some people will hate me for saying this. But I preferred Maynard over Andy.
Originally posted by EB
But I think that Maynard did more for the average Atlantan than Andrew Young did. Maynard was the one who got Black people the city contracts. Andrew Young was too concerned with what the White business community wanted. Some people will hate me for saying this. But I preferred Maynard over Andy.
A whole lot of people would agree with you.

as for Miller, he's definitely lived up to his Zig-Zag nickname of old. In his senate term, he's been nothing more than a Republican in Democratic clothes.
Andy, Miller, Maynard.

Andrew Young in for Miller,, good one. (I thought Andy was out to pasture.)

Maynard and Andy,,, I don't see the difference in the two. they were both perfect at the particular time they came along. they were both perfect. From Cambell (spelling) it went downhill. I thought he would continue the legacy, but this guy was a deer in headlights.
I say leave it as Hartsfeld. Maynerd was an excellent Mayor but there are more intellectual things that can be built to honor him. Something that is much more moving and personal.
Originally posted by Dr. Sweet NUPE
I say leave it as Hartsfeld. Maynerd was an excellent Mayor but there are more intellectual things that can be built to honor him. Something that is much more moving and personal.

Maybe a performing arts center or something on that order.

What is the problem with naming the international terminal in his honor being that he is credited with making Atlanta the international city it is today?
Without question, the airport is ATL's crown jewel and being as large and critical to aviation as it is, played a major role in ATL being the int city it is today.

The airport became the airport under Maynard's watch. Also, he wouldn't sign off on contracts @ the airport until minority businesses were included in the million dollar deals!
If you're gonna name something after him @ the airport, it has to be the name itself. Just naming a terminal after him is kinda small, in my book.

It would be kinda like if Gram's football stadium was named after someone else, other than Eddie Robinson, but you come back later and name the playing field after Robinson, while keeping the other name.
Nobody knows about a playing field (or in this case, a terminal). They just know the name of the stadium (or in this case, the airport)

as for other things that could be named after him, there aren't other significant honors out there. And it's been said that it was indeed his wish to see his name on the airport.
Originally posted by mighty hornet
Without question, the airport is ATL's crown jewel and being as large and critical to aviation as it is, played a major role in ATL being the int city it is today.

The airport became the airport under Maynard's watch. Also, he wouldn't sign off on contracts @ the airport until minority businesses were included in the million dollar deals!
If you're gonna name something after him @ the airport, it has to be the name itself. Just naming a terminal after him is kinda small, in my book.

It would be kinda like if Gram's football stadium was named after someone else, other than Eddie Robinson, but you come back later and name the playing field after Robinson, while keeping the other name.
Nobody knows about a playing field (or in this case, a terminal). They just know the name of the stadium (or in this case, the airport)

as for other things that could be named after him, there aren't other significant honors out there. And it's been said that it was indeed his wish to see his name on the airport.

Yeah but if it wasn't for William B. Hartsfield, he wouldn't have had anything to work with. It was Hartsfield's vision to put Atlanta on the map by building an airport that could compete with any in the nation. Dis mug had to literally beg mugz to buy the land to build the airport when the city did not want to do so. He was key in getting the U.S. postal service to designate Atlanta as the southern hub. This opened the door for Atlanta to continue its dominance as the pre-imminent communications/transportation center of the south. Maynard was a beneficiary of the airport and built on a good thing.

Also, Ivan Allen paved the way for Maynard. Atlanta had gung-ho city officials obsessed with putting Atlanta on the map during the mid 20th century. Maynard was one of them, but I see no reason Atlanta's single most powerful asset that originated as a result of Hartsfield's tremendous vision should be named for anyone other than Hartsfield. Much respect to Maynard, but if it wasn't for Hartsfield, Maynard wouldn't have inherited the assets of Atlanta to work with.
Originally posted by cat daddy

What is the problem with naming the international terminal in his honor being that he is credited with making Atlanta the international city it is today?

I believe that is what was done for Tom Bradley(1st Black Mayor of Los Angeles)at LAX.

Personally, I have no problem with either just naming a terminal for Maynard Jackson or with making the airport Hartsfield-Jackson. Jackson did do a lot for Atlanta,but you cannot simply disregard Hartsfield in this case.

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Its gives both of them credit for the things they did without disrespecting either one them...
Originally posted by Jayson

Its gives both of them credit for the things they did without disrespecting either one them...

It's in the proper order. I would have no problem with that worst-case, but I don't see why it should change. The "Maynard Jackson International Terminal" at Hartsfield International would be very apro pos since he trail blazed Hartsfield into the current international period of prosperity.

Airport renaming expected to fly
City Council has votes to OK mayor's plan

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

The debate over renaming Atlanta's airport should end today, when the City Council is expected to approve adding former Mayor Maynard Jackson's name to the airport.

Hartsfield International Airport would become Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport if the compromise put forward by Mayor Shirley Franklin passes. The measure needs eight votes. Ten members have signed on as sponsors, virtually guaranteeing passage.

Councilman C.T. Martin, who helped draft the legislation, said he felt reasonably sure the name change would pass.

"We think we have the support we need," Martin said. "I am optimistic."

The renaming has been a swirling controversy in Atlanta since June 23, when Jackson, Atlanta's first African-American mayor, died of a heart attack in Washington.

The death of such a political icon touched off a groundswell of grief and sorrow and created a drive to make sure Jackson was properly honored. Supporters quickly settled on the airport, of which he oversaw a $305 million expansion.

But some white Atlanta residents and family members of William Hartsfield, Atlanta's longest-serving mayor, objected to changing the airport's name. They claimed putting up Jackson's name, even beside Hartsfield's, would dishonor the man who saw the airport as the key to Atlanta's prosperity 50 years ago.

Franklin appointed a 17-member committee to look at appropriate honors and it recommended that the City Council rename the airport's planned $982 million international terminal for Jackson.

The mayor sidestepped her own committee when she came forward with her compromise to put both former mayors' names on the airport.

"I still believe this is an opportunity in a just way to honor two of Atlanta's important leaders at our premier facility," Franklin said. "I expect it to pass for all the right reasons."

Today, the council will consider several name change proposals during a public hearing that begins at 10 a.m. The Committee on Council will forward all the legislation to the full council without recommendation, said Chairwoman Carla Smith.

The council then will debate all the legislation -- including a proposal to honor former Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. with a statue near Turner Field -- and either approve it or not.

Michael Bond, a former councilman active on issues affecting the African-American community, said the debate has cooled down considerably since the mayor announced her proposal. He expects little heat at today's meeting.

"I'd like to see the compromise passed," Bond said. "It would be in the spirit of Atlanta the last 50 or 60 years. What greater testimony could we make?"

But the vote won't be unanimous.

Councilman Howard Shook, who represents Buckhead, has heard loud and clear from his constituents that they don't want the airport renamed.

He plans to vote for naming the international terminal for Jackson but against adding his name to the airport banner.

"I'm doing what my constituents clearly prefer," Shook said.

City and airport officials have said changing the airport's name would cost little and wouldn't involve any regulatory red tape. The airport's full name doesn't appear on very many signs and road signs simply say "Atlanta Airport." The Georgia Department of Transportation would make any sign changes as part of regular maintenance.

Stationery and business cards would have to be updated, but General Manager Ben DeCosta said managers of other airports that have changed their names -- including those in Washington, San Jose, Calif., and Savannah -- found that costs associated with the updates were low.
Hartsfield - Jackson is very appropriate for each individual. They both played a big role in the changes that has transpired in Atlanta.
Disgraceful PCness at its Best.

Originally posted by cat daddy

Airport renaming expected to fly
City Council has votes to OK mayor's plan

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

The debate over renaming Atlanta's airport should end today, when the City Council is expected to approve adding former Mayor Maynard Jackson's name to the airport.

Hartsfield International Airport would become Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport if the compromise put forward by Mayor Shirley Franklin passes.
OH BROTHER. This is so ridiculous, but what should you expect from such a politically correct city that is home to the most politically correct news outlet other than the NY and LATimes, on the planet,,,,, CNN??? NO WAY Atlanta votes this down and have to endure the wrath of CNN.
Jackson was a mediocre mayor handed a thriving city at best. The only reason he is now going to get run along with Hartsfield at Atlanta's airport is because the liberal media in Atlanta and across America wants to "right wrongs" and promote a black mayor. Give me a break.

sincerely, Rush Limbaugh :rolleyes:
Re: Disgraceful PCness at its Best.

Originally posted by Bartram
OH BROTHER. This is so ridiculous, but what should you expect from such a politically correct city that is home to the most politically correct news outlet other than the NY and LATimes, on the planet,,,,, CNN??? NO WAY Atlanta votes this down and have to endure the wrath of CNN.
Jackson was a mediocre mayor handed a thriving city at best. The only reason he is now going to get run along with Hartsfield at Atlanta's airport is because the liberal media in Atlanta and across America wants to "right wrongs" and promote a black mayor. Give me a break.

sincerely, Rush Limbaugh :rolleyes:

Bart please tell me you don't think Hartsfield was a better Mayor than Jackson? I grew up in the city of Atlanta so I know the difference go tell that to someone else. Don't be mad at Jackson because he made sure minorites got there share of the pie unlike most people in the state of Alabama most blacks in Ga. are not passive.