ASU students earn business certification

Olde Hornet

Well-Known Member

Two Alabama State Univer*sity business students hope a global certification normally re*served for experienced busi*nesspeople will help them jumpstart their careers.

Kioshana LaCount and Wal*ter Carter recently earned the Certified Global Business Pro*fessional designation. The des*ignation is based upon passing an examination administered by NASBITE, an international business organization.

LaCount and Carter are among a little more than 500 peo*ple who have achieved the desig*nation. They received it at the same time as Kamal Hingorani, an international business pro*fessor at the school.

LaCount will graduate with a degree in marketing in Decem*ber. She recently began working for the U.S. Air Force, a career she wants to continue as she gets a graduate degree in inter*national relations from Troy University.

The designation, she said, would help her throughout her career.