Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor of California?


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"How could California elect someone like Arnold Schwarzenegger? Clearly it is all a popularity contest. Schwarzenegger is an actor for crying out loud. He has no real political credibility. Only in California. Those idiot California voters will vote for anybody."

Sincerely, Minnesota

(PS: If you are puzzled as to this take and/or don't "get it" don't sweat it. It's Jungle humor on the whole California gubernatorial recall election and the emergence of Arnold as the front runner.)
I give Aaaaaaa-nold credit for one thing...he's a self-made man.

He came to the U.S. from Austria, and has created a fortune for himself through his reign as Mr. Universe, and then building a movie career from that title. Now, does that mean that he can be governor of the the state that holds the fifth largest economy in the Samantha Stephens would say..."well."

What I can't imagine is why ANYONE would want to be governor of California at this present time! Getting the Golden State out of the mess that it is currently in will take more than being "popular." And let's be realistic, Cali has had one actor/governor already. Do they need another?

I think that everyone (democrat or republican) has to be entertained by the whole "show" that is currently taking place out there. There's a whole cast of characters who have thrown their names into the hat...Gary Coleman, Angeline (a caricature of a woman who's like a cross between Marilyn Monroe and Betty Boop.) I've even heard recently that D. L. Hughley is considering joining the race!!:eek2:

The whole thing reminds me of a t-shirt they used to sell when I lived out there back in the 80's that read "CALIFORNIA...mountains, movies and a few weirdos." Believe me, the weirdos outnumber the mountains and the movies! :lol:

One thing's for sure, if he does get it, it'll be the end of the road for Arnold following Reagan's career path. He can't be president.....
I would loooooooove to see my frat, and San Francisco mayor Willie Brown throw his hat into the race. Other than Diane Feinstein (Miss California, as far as that state's politics are concerned,) Brown maybe the only one who could possibly maintain the governor's seat for the Democrats.

I almost wish I still lived out there, just to be in the midst of all this drama!
I don't know why any Joe off the street thinks they can
wake up one day and do the job of trained professionals, but
that is the "beauty" of our system.....right?

Politics and entertainment have been intermingled for so long in
this country that it is hard to see where one ends and the other

Need I remind you guys that Arnold Schwarzenegger is a
"Kennedy" by marriage. Although Maria ran from the
celebrity of her name it may help her husband's credibility
...If only he was a Democrat. :shame:
He is also a major leader in his party and has been for years.

If an intellectually-challenged idiot like Bush can be
elected....I think anyone else has a shot.
Sad as that is....
A a political scientist I must believe in the constitution and give Arnold a thumbs up. Having been trained....I question people who know nothing about politics...i.e. Ronal Reagan.
Originally posted by Storm_ofSU
I don't know why any Joe off the street thinks they can
wake up one day and do the job of trained professionals, but
that is the "beauty" of our system.....right?

Politics and entertainment have been intermingled for so long in
this country that it is hard to see where one ends and the other

Need I remind you guys that Arnold Schwarzenegger is a
"Kennedy" by marriage. Although Maria ran from the
celebrity of her name it may help her husband's credibility
...If only he was a Democrat. :shame:
He is also a major leader in his party and has been for years.

If an intellectually-challenged idiot like Bush can be
elected....I think anyone else has a shot.
Sad as that is....

Agreed on Bush, however, barring a constitutional amendment, Arnold will never be president. One must be a natural-born US citizen for that.....
Originally posted by PNeck019
Agreed on Bush, however, barring a constitutional amendment, Arnold will never be president. One must be a natural-born US citizen for that.....
That's what I thought. at any rate. Can people deal with the accent. Do folks take anything that comes out of California seriously?
Originally posted by jelli
That's what I thought. at any rate. Can people deal with the accent.

An accent? Please!! An accent in California is like the confederate flag flying in the south.....they go hand in hand!!
This has turned into one big mess for the recall masses. L, the clown that started it all, who was all gung-ho to run, dropped out the same day Arnold jumped in. This is going to make a big mess in Calli even worse ......... no matter who's elected.
Originally posted by jelli
Do folks take anything that comes out of California seriously?

The state with the fifth largest economy IN THE best believe folks take it seriously!!

Don't be surprised to see other politicians in other states attempt the same thing if they get ticked-off at their governor. Their motto will be "if they could do it in California, we can certainly do it here!"