Are you "ok" with "sin taxes" and increases?


Brand HBCUbian
In Alabama, "sin taxes" are taxes on things like alcohol, gambling, cigarettes or anything that the general society sees as "bad" but legal and taxes the hell out of because it's an easier target than trying to raise taxes on income, property and general consumer purchases.

Here's a good example having to do with raising taxes on cigarettes.

Budget problems and cigarette taxes.

Yes, I agree with the "sin taxes" When you have 61% of the U.S. gambling. Many steal money, lose thier jobs, homes and families and/or friends. And let's not get started on alcohol and smoking. Heck, cigarettes should be $7 per pack in New York. Many of these sin taxes destroy lives. At least get something beneficial out of it.
I disagree 100%!

Sin taxes are simply a way for worthless politicians NOT to have to make tough decisions!!! :redhot: they (and as usual,, 99% of my anger is from the perspective of living in Alabama) can easily raise taxes on cigarettes, alcohol and what little gambling and other vices there are in Alabama and not have to face REAL issues like comprehensive education reform, comprehensive tax reform and upgrading our $hit-ace 1901 constitution!!!! :redhot: :redhot: j

This is BS!!!!! BS I SAY!!!!!! :redhot: :kaioken: f'in MAGGOTS!!! All the bulk of the politicians do in Alabama is run "no new taxes" smack, thump the bible and call for The Ten Commandments and prayer in school (all things which it don't take no real gutts in Alabama to do,,, you are not going to come under fire in Alabama for advocating that), while not touching education reform, tax reform and things that would REALLY make or break (in Alabama would most likely break) your political career if you really made the tuff calls and did the right thing!!! :kaioken:

Fugg "sin taxes"!! they are nothing but a scapegoat for punk-arse politicians. I would have no problem with taxing them IF Alabama would reform the tax structure in general!! :redhot:
Bartram - I basically agree with you, Alabama has one of the worst tax systems in the country. The tax system is designed to place a heavy burden on those making the least.

The increase in sin taxes are the only way for the state to collect more money given the way people feel about tax increases.

Originally posted by Olde Hornet
Bartram - I basically agree with you, Alabama has one of the worst tax systems in the country. The tax system is designed to place a heavy burden on those making the least.

The increase in sin taxes are the only way for the state to collect more money given the way people feel about tax increases.

,,, see people,,, this is what i'm talking about. he's right though, it is political suicide in Alabama to be for any tax except "sin" taxes. Alabama has the lowest, or one of the lowest, property tax rates in the country. Another thing about this that is bothersum is much of it goes back to racial problems, especially in the counties with large black populations. In those counties, the public schools and anything public that relies on taxes as sources of revenue are predominantly black because the whites left and formed private schools (all the Wilcox/Bullock/Macon "Acadamies" and "christian" schools) from the 50-60s on basically to work around forced integration,,, so now with whites still having much of the economic power,,, they are having no parts of taxes that, in Montgomery for example, go to the public schools and anything public (Birmingham is a better example where city hall is about 90% black and the city is about 60-70% black and the whites in that metro are having no parts of any kinds of, for example, tax increases for mass transit or domed stadiums), especially property taxes.

these p-woods (and black politicians) in Alabama get my blood pressure up. :redhot:

I'm telling you,,,,,, Alabama is just incredible.

For example,,, we fashion ourselves as the holier-than-thow state,, we'll have no parts of a Lotto, no parts of legalized casino gambling, "not in our name" all these BS politicians are saying,,,, BUT YET,,,,, Alabama is one of few states that are in the business of operating ABC stores!!!! (Alcoholic Beverage Control) uh-let me see if I got this straight; we probably got more "dry counties" (uuum-for you city folk,,,, das counties where it is illegal to sell alcohol,,, ERRRRRRRR, counties were moonshining and shot houses are very popular) than any state in the union,, always running all this BS about "no alcohol on sundays", family values/we don't want "dirty" gambling money in state coffers(never mind the state is getting what little revenue is left from struggling dog tracks what with GA/FL/TN lottos and MS casinos taking business),, blah, blah, blah,,, but the state can operate ABC hard liquor sales stories???? I mean,,, :confused: this is all a bunch of BS and simply boils down to politicians, money, power, and feifdoms.

So in Alabama,,, "sin" taxes and other sources of revenue that are not career threating if you tap into them are like road kill and politicians and city officials are like vultures!