Are there any HBCUs you play on grass instead of turf now?


Well-Known Member
Are there any HBCUs you play on grass instead of turf now? Or is turf the only way schools play now?
MS schools the only ones left with Natural grass playing fields in the SWAC. Everyone else has turf. Grass is better from what I’ve seen and also from what players I work/worked with say. I haven’t heard many players say they like turf outside of when the weather is bad.

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MS schools the only ones left with Natural grass playing fields in the SWAC. Everyone else has turf. Grass is better from what I’ve seen and also from what players I work/worked with say. I haven’t heard many players say they like turf outside of when the weather is bad.
I was just watching something on TV about how players don't like it and they were saying it causes injuries
It cost ALOT of money to maintain a NICE natural grass fiel…… Some of our HBCU natural fields look shot to ish by late October/Novemeber. The NFL and P5s have money to do whatever they want so I can see why they would go to Natural.
This. Do we seriously expect these folk in charge to plan for weekly if not almost daily maintenance of playing surfaces?
MS schools the only ones left with Natural grass playing fields in the SWAC. Everyone else has turf. Grass is better from what I’ve seen and also from what players I work/worked with say. I haven’t heard many players say they like turf outside of when the weather is bad.

stu plays on grass at the soccer stadium in Houston. Those MS schools grass field is not taken care of from what I've seen of them in person
Anybody from JSU or All corn shouldn’t have replied to that “fiyah” fella. It has that name for a reason. Let him cook.

Now Itty Bitty Valley Committee, y’all should be mad cause yalls field is atrocious. Might as well play in a damn sand pit as bad as that field is.

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stu plays on grass at the soccer stadium in Houston. Those MS schools grass field is not taken care of from what I've seen of them in person
Heat waves and sweltering heat have affected the grass fields recently. Its so dry you can't wet them up enough to offset the lack of rain.
Those turf field can wear down too. I'm sure we're not doing proper upkeep on those either. Bama state and A&M both replaced thiers.
Heat waves and sweltering heat have affected the grass fields recently. Its so dry you can't wet them up enough to offset the lack of rain.
True. It's been so hot and arid this summer that the ground was basically concrete.
Those turf field can wear down too. I'm sure we're not doing proper upkeep on those either. Bama state and A&M both replaced thiers.
It was time to replace them…. We had ours about 11 years…. We have a new technology in our new field turf with the coconut husk that makes the turf 20 degrees cooler during the hot months.
That’s a lie, Alcorn grass field looks very nice for the entire season and after.
All goes by what you use your field for… Grass wouldn’t work at AAMU… our field is used for high school games throught the week… also the football practices in the stadium.
Now Itty Bitty Valley Committee, y’all should be mad cause yalls field is atrocious. Might as well play in a damn sand pit as bad as that field is.

We saw how horrible that field looked at the rented stadium the last two December's so I don't know why in the hell you would think to come for Valley with that field looking like a Delta corn field

Alcorn has a good grass field. Valley was supposed to have used their same grass this year so we'll see on Nov. 11

Scoreboard for sure next year. Turf? We'll see
We saw how horrible that field looked at the rented stadium the last two December's so I don't know why in the hell you would think to come for Valley with that field looking like a Delta corn field

Alcorn has a good grass field. Valley was supposed to have used their same grass this year so we'll see on Nov. 11

Scoreboard for sure next year. Turf? We'll see

YOU didn’t see anything sitting at home in December like you always are. I was on that field in December the last two years so I’m not sure the need for y’all to lie like this. Must be a little school thing