Another TSU board member resigns after deplorable comments to alum


Well-Known Member
I been saying for many years on this board and everywhere I can that the TSU Board of Regents is a complete joke and is a huge inconvenience for us. When I was a junior or senior on campus, I temporarily served as a student regent and was not impressed with any of them then and that was years ago. Yet another egotistical resume padding loser that shouldn't be on the board b/c he isn't passionate about seeing TSU thrive has thankfully resigned b/c of his rude and unprofessional remarks to a fellow TSU alumnus concerned about the state of his alma mater.

WE NEED TO GET A DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR IN OFFICE TO FINALLY GET THE BOARD MEMBERS WE DESERVE! These Texas Republican governors have little interest in seeing HBCUs do well in the state b/c they are democratic strongholds hence the poor selection process.



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Ii think he intends to just step down from being board secretary. It looks as if he will continue to be a regent when reading carefully what he wrote.
what was said?

This is just some of it:

In the profanity-laced call that included a racial epithet, Price told Gray that current board of regents did not have the best interests of the university at heart and that they had been gunning to fire Lane since November. Price, a TSU alum himself, said he tried to put a stop to it.

“I kept telling (former regent Derrick Mitchell), ‘Man, I don’t know these people on the board. I don’t trust them. They talk too damn much. And the stuff they’re focusing on is not helping the babies,’” Price said, referring to TSU students.

Price also revealed his soured relationship with former board chair Hasan Mack, who he alleged had a personal vendetta against Lane and purposely left Price out of crucial board meetings, including the one in which regents voted for Lane’s termination.

“If (Hasan Mack) was by himself and had a flat tire in the middle of West Texas, I would ride right past his ass,” Price said. “What he did to Lane … I have no respect for that guy. None.”

Gray said she was taken aback by Price’s foul language and his rude and unprofessional demeanor on the call.