After watching this debate I'd vote for coyote with serve mange before I support Trump

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She got him lol

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After Trumps obsession coupled with delusion (see Hannibal Lecter and immigrants dog eating), I’m not sure anyone realizes just how deeply disturbed “The Donald “ really is. 😆 😆😆 I believe if it was up to “Chairman Trump,” the dictator would have kept that blood stream on his ear as a badge of honor….smh
Yes, Trump is a complete IDIOT! I cannot believe that seventy-one millions people voted for this CRAZY man in 2020. He is a DISGRACED to this country and the world. Kamala Harris shredded him like a shredder; shred paper.
After Trumps obsession coupled with delusion (see Hannibal Lecter and immigrants dog eating), I’m not sure anyone realizes just how deeply disturbed “The Donald “ really is. 😆 😆😆 I believe if it was up to “Chairman Trump,” the dictator would have kept that blood stream on his ear as a badge of honor….smh
Man don't fall for the okie doke. He is setting the stage for an insanity plea if he does not win the presidency. They will claim he is not fit to stand trial.
Yes, Trump is a complete IDIOT! I cannot believe that seventy-one millions people voted for this CRAZY man in 2020. He is a DISGRACED to this country and the world. Kamala Harris shredded him like a shredder; shred paper.
I don't think it will make any difference. Those seventy-one million people will vote for him again. I hope like hell I am wrong though.
Man don't fall for the okie doke. He is setting the stage for an insanity plea if he does not win the presidency. They will claim he is not fit to stand trial.
There are two problems with that though. First, he has already been through trials in his current condition, and a cadre of psychiatrist and psychotherapist as far back as 2015 went public saying he has several disorders and was unfit.

Last, unless he further mentally deteriorates, I can't see how his narcissism is going to take a back seat to any of his other disorders and allow him to admit he is incompetent on any level.
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Man don't fall for the okie doke. He is setting the stage for an insanity plea if he does not win the presidency. They will claim he is not fit to stand trial.

That fool isn’t acting, he is a sick puppy. Not sick enough to get an insanity plea though. He is Jeffrey Dahmer lite. If any concession is made it will be a plush federal pen. 😆 😆 😆 Perhaps because of his status he’ll get some type of house arrest, which would be an example of white privileged living in the U.S. I can see a conservative judge thinking the U.S. can’t have a living president sitting in the pen as inmate 454545.
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That fool isn’t acting, he is a sick puppy. Not sick enough to get an insanity plea though. He is Jeffrey Dahmer lite. If any concession is made it will be a plush federal pen. 😆 😆 😆 Perhaps because of his status he’ll get some type of house arrest, which would be an example of white privileged living in the U.S.
That is the part that loses me. People have forgotten warnings from at least as far back as 2015 that the man is mentally ill.

Donald Trump has a “dangerous mental illness” and is not fit to lead the US, a group of psychiatrists has warned during a conference at Yale University.

Mental health experts claimed the President was “paranoid and delusional”, and said it was their “ethical responsibility” to warn the American public about the “dangers” Mr Trump’s psychological state poses to the country.
There are two problems with that though. First, he has already been through trials in his current condition, and a cadre of psychiatrist and psychotherapist as far back as 2015 went public saying he has several disorders and was unfit.

Last, unless he further mentally deteriorates, I can't see how his narcissism is going to take a back seat to any of his other disorders and allow him to admit he is incompetent on any level.
No disagreement here.