A White Man in the Black Caucus

Mr. Matriculation

New Member
I was listening to the radio this morning and heard that in Chicago they have a White(Irish) politician that represents a majority black district. He feels he should be admitted as a member of the Black Caucus because he represents a majority black district. He is crying racism because he has met opposition from black politicians.

This is a new twist in the ever changing diversity in America. Do you all think this white boy should be admitted into the Black Caucus??
Well, he does have point. If his district is majority AA, then it's obvious that they chose this person to respresent them. What is the purpose of the black caucus??? The purpose is to be an advocate for economic and political concerns of the black community. If he is not admitted just because he is white, then it's definitely reverse racism. You can give me that crap about don't no white man know about the needs of AAs, but remember, these AA chose him to represent, so he is just doing is job!!!

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How many people do you have to represent to be a member of the "Black Caucus"?

What are the qualifications? Represent Blacks? A Black Congresssperson?

Any organization that excludes people because of their ethnic background is a racist organization in my book.
This is not the first time someone has tried to do this. I have to wonder about his politics and voting patterns.

While his district maybe majority Black, he may or may not be able to articulate the concerns of Black people. I do not know about the guy.

Then again I have known on two many occasions where I would not want some Black folks to be representing Black people. I would not vote for them to save my life.

However, former Georgia Senator Wyche Fowler was a congressman from the sixth congressional district. A majority Black district was drawn, after a series of court fights, during the early '80's. Fowler still won before going on to the senate. John Lewis now represents the seat.
whatever is best for the economy and the people in the communities,.........so whoever is the best candidate is o.k. by me.