A Shell of A Stadium: Morris Brown's Herndon Stadium Is An HBCU Football Graveyard


I don't know how many times this has been posted, but this is too sad.






I believe this Herndon Stadium when it was new during the Olympics.


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Need some paint and grass seeds then it would be back in the mix
Bro, that "stadium" has major damage. Even if it could be repaired (probably couldn't), it would cost millions. As bad as the pictures look, it looks much worse in person (at least the last time I rode by there). I'm surprised it hasn't fallen all the way down. That whole campus is in sad shape.
Bro, that "stadium" has major damage. Even if it could be repaired (probably couldn't), it would cost millions. As bad as the pictures look, it looks much worse in person (at least the last time I rode by there). I'm surprised it hasn't fallen all the way down. That whole campus is in sad shape.

It's amazing how quickly it went downhill. It was hosting battle of the bands competitions just a few years ago as recently as 2008 or 2009(maybe even more recently).
It's amazing how quickly it went downhill. It was hosting battle of the bands competitions just a few years ago as recently as 2008 or 2009(maybe even more recently).

It doesn't take long for nature and vandalism to destroy something. I'm sure all the pipes and wiring would need replacing.
It shouldn't be to the point to where it's about to crumble.

That was built for the 1996 Olympics (20 years ago) by the USOC so I know "Tyrone & Associates" didn't have anything to do with it. True it would need some work done but it's not beyond repair.
Bro, that "stadium" has major damage. Even if it could be repaired (probably couldn't), it would cost millions. As bad as the pictures look, it looks much worse in person (at least the last time I rode by there). I'm surprised it hasn't fallen all the way down. That whole campus is in sad shape.

Wow, in that case it is even more sad sorry to hear that one
As someone posted in that other thread, Pookie and em were stealing the pipes and stuff out of it along with the physical appearance so it would take millions upon millions to get it back to normal. MB has a ways to go just to get back accredited so athletics will be on the backburner for a minute.

I'm surprised they actually kept the stadium throughout all of this.
I drove past there and got out..... it was homeless folks sleeping on the bleachers... this was just 2 months ago..... windows broken out in the press box area... so Im sure someone was living in their also. That entire campus looks horrible now... Looks like something out of a scary movie.
Yeah, the entire campus is a complete mess! What's really sad is Georgia State wanted to use the stadium when they started their program but was told no (don't know the entire circumstances) by MB.
I passed thru there Sat and weeds have overtaken some of the buildings right off of MLK.
Man! I remember marching in Morris Brown's homecoming parade my junior year of high school. The two bands from NOLA got so much love from there fans. The excitement was great. I stopped by there two years ago and wanted to puke. It was my first visit since GSU played them there in 2002. It was sad. I hope Morris Brown survives, but I don't like how their current administration and few alums are bashing other HBCU's for not putting up more money to help them out of the hole. That same year, I heard they were down to 77 students and 12 staff or something like that.

Of late, I heard things are getting better although I don't know how true it is.
