6 Ways To Repel Rodents From Making Your Car's Engine Their Home

Olde Hornet

Well-Known Member

Keep Your Car Clean Of Food And Clutter​

Rats and mice don't hold cars to the same standards that we do. Whether you're driving a 20-year-old Honda Accord or the hottest new Tesla doesn't matter to them. Rather, rodents are attracted to wherever will keep them and their young safest and is close to a constant source of food. Our cars can be just that and then some.

Use Sprays And Fragrances​

Perhaps the sense that matters more to a rodent than its hearing is its sense of smell. In fact, some studies even suggest that rats can detect the specific smell of tuberculosis and land mines. It was more than likely that same sensitive nose that led them to your car, especially if food was nearby. But that same strong sense of smell can also be used against a rodent if you know what ticks them off.

While there are plenty of rodent-specific products you can find that they will hate to smell, you more than likely have a suitable solution in your cabinet right now. The strong scent from cayenne pepper, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, citrus, cedar shavings, strong body soaps, mothballs, and dryer sheets, among many others odors, can help keep rodents at bay. Just be sure to regularly reapply these smells around your car throughout the day to avoid the scent going stale.