15 Smells That Mice Hate to Keep Them Away From Your Home For Good

Olde Hornet

Well-Known Member


Mice's sharp noses can keep them away from cinnamon, thanks to its strong scent. Consider sprinkling cinnamon around the border of cabinets or closets, or place cinnamon sticks a few inches apart.


The pungent scent of vinegar can cover up the smell of mice pheromones, keeping them out of your home even if they've already become frequent visitors.

Pour white vinegar into a spray bottle with a few drops of dish soap, then spray it onto the areas where you're finding mice.

Peppermint Oil​

Peppermint is one of the most popular mice deterrents, but keep in mind that you'll need more than a few drops of peppermint oil to make this trick work. Instead, you'll need to douse the area with this minty scent to keep any mice away.