Why you don’t need to drink 8 cups of water a day


THEE Realist
We’ve all heard the age-old advice to drink eight cups of water a day. But if you fall short, don’t worry: That advice is probably wrong anyway.
That’s according to new research, published in the journal Science, which found that for most healthy adults, drinking eight cups of water a day is completely unnecessary. The advice is misguided in part because it doesn’t take into account all the water that we get from our food and from other beverages like coffee and tea. The research found that our water needs vary from one person to next and depend on factors like your age, sex, size, physical activity levels and the climate that you live in.

The authors of the study say that for healthy adults, there is no real benefit to drinking eight cups of water a day. Nor is it dangerous: Your body will just excrete the extra water you consume in your urine.


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I been known that you did not have to drink 8 glasses of water. People would get on me and I would be saying, I am fine. I will be drinking a glass of orange juice, 1/3 juice and 2/3 water. People saying I need to be drinking just the water separate.???????