McVeigh is dead, now what?

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He should have been doing some outside labor, and provided an outhouse. And when he went to relieve himself, he should have been unexpectedly (at least by him) blown to (new rules) bits!
See the problem is we need more creative and frugal people in our criminal justice system. Instead of using the taxpayer's money, they should have leased his arse out to a construction firm that specializes in demolition. They could have wired his arse up with explosives, strategically placed him in a building they wanted blown down, charged pay per view (with money going to charity) and flew me out to hit the switch on his arse!

How about that?! :idea:
Vinita and Big Mike...I was thinking on those levels
...but seriously. He was a human being and my heart is saddened for his soul. I'm not sure if he believe in God or not. My prayers go out to his family and the victims family. Sad to say he will continue to go down in history as a hero to some.
The closest thing that fool has said to believing in God is that if there is a Hell, he knows he won't be alone.
Next stop...East Hell

I didn't even know the fool was being executed until I heard it on the news this morning that he was dead. I came and he went at the same time....LOL. Anyway, he should have been executed a long time ago. Now kill the other fool involved too. I'm tired of my tax dollars keeping these killers fat and frugal.

I'm not being cruel, but he needed to be punished for the crime he committed here on earth. If nothing else to serve as somewhat of a deterrent to some other sicko. Although, when futha muckas are that crazy, there is no deterrent!

As far as salvation, that will be determined at judgement day. As a Christian, I must believe that all mankind can receive salvation if he/she so chooses. Jesus has already died to give us salvation from our sins (regardless of how cruel) if we accept him and ask for forgiveness. I wonder if this sicko ever repented?

But bottomline: He had to an earthly price for his earthly sin!
I TOOK ANOTHER SPIN on today's events

Today's events opened some old wounds for me --
(1) My baby brother's murders are serving a life sentence in Atlanta for his death.
(2) One of McVeigh's victims was a former classmate of mine at Grambling State University -- Larry Turner.

The events of today caused me much sadness, as I thought about the two persons above, as well as the other victims and their families.

Let's continue to lift the survivors, victims, and their families up in prayer. I can only imagine what they are experiencing on this monumental day in their lives.

I think he deserved to die, but by the same token
I realize my thoughts on the matter are not divine
in any way.

McViegh took lives in a violent, sensless manner...and
his life was taken (in a quiet peacfeul manner)....Is
that justice? I'm not so sure.

Originally posted by Vinita
He should have been doing some outside labor, and provided an outhouse. And when he went to relieve himself, he should have been unexpectedly (at least by him) blown to (new rules) bits!

Agrees whole-heartedly

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I don't believe in the death penalty in any case.

As a Christain I can't rejoice or believe God sees Timothy or the persons who performed the lethal injections any differently.
Do I believe Timothy McVeigh should have been punished yes.
Do I believe he should have received the death penalty or anyone else. NO.

We're all human. The fact that we're human forces us to feel pain and anguish and to want to see anyone who causes us harm or pain to be punished even wished to death, but that doesn't make it right. Timothy will have to give in account for his sins...just like us. NO different. I think Timothy McVeigh was a terrible person and I can think of a million ways of how to punish him to make him wish he were dead, but I would have never given him the satisfaction. We can punish a lot worse than lethal injection

I always wonder why people think of death as the ultimate punishment? Do you really think Timothy McVeigh wanted to live?
I don't see death as punishment, and I'll never believe everyone who is on death row is guilty and I'll never believe that there have NOT been convicted criminals who have been electrocuted that were actually innocent. Who pays for those mistakes and why aren't the state held accountable for their actions and charged with murder? NO one should play God, but note..the same faulty system that killed Timothy McVeigh...could one day...kill you. Innocent or Not. Think about it!
Yeah, APW, it COULD ...

But yesterday they killed the right man ... although FAR TOO HUMANELY ... I am glad he's dead. Now he can't go giving people "exclusive interviews" and rubbing his insolence and ignorance in the faces of the people whose lives he so horribly and irrevocably destroyed.
I respect the sentiments of those that oppose the death penalty. I used to be a staunch opponent of capital punishment. Part of my reasoning was because of the high propensity to arrest the wrong black man throught out the history of our judicial system. Another reason was that I felt that as a Christian, I was supposed to turn the other cheek.

As I have matured in my understanding of Christianity and how it impacts secular matters, I realized that we must also live in accordance with the laws of the land. Especially if the laws are just and fair. Remember, Christ said "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar". Not only was this meant to help his followers avoid getting in trouble with the authorities, he was also pointing out that the things on this world must be dealt with according to the rules of order. Justice demands that a person guilty of murder should also be terminated as a deterrent. I realize that the Death Penalty is not a deterrent to the serial killers and sickos of our society, but it makes "sensible" folk remain "sensible"!

You see the things of this world shall pass away! In the end, God makes the final judgement as to whether or not we are entitled to salvation through the intercession of Christ Jesus. If McVeigh has truly repented, asked Christ for forgiveness, and accepted Jesus as his savior...he has a place in heaven. If not, then that's his arse all over again!!!
McVeigh is gone, but 'hate groups' still with us


TIMOTHY McVeigh is no martyr and is not going to become one. Judge Richard Matsch's refusal to stay McVeigh's execution, which took place on Monday, may for a time add some fuel to the far-right theory that McVeigh is merely a pawn in an expansive conspiracy led by a group of John Does that may even have had government involvement, that the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building bombing was orchestrated by the government and that Tim McVeigh was merely a pawn. But only a small fringe will cling to this theory for long.

After all, McVeigh effectively dispelled this charge recently by admitting that he bombed the building in 1995. He did it, he said, with little help from anyone. He said there was no John Doe.

He had done an almost masterful job of manipulating the press coverage of his pending execution. But his timing was a bit off: His confession, unfortunately for him, came before the revelation of withheld Federal Bureau of Investigation documents which might otherwise have spurred a new trial.

The militia movement did grow after McVeigh set off his fertilizer bomb. There were about 220 militia and antigovernment groups in 1995, a number that skyrocketed to more than 850 by the end of 1996.

This was partly due to the movement's momentum before the bombing. Another factor may have been the belief circulating among militia groups that government agents had planted the bomb as a way to justify antiterrorism legislation. No less than a retired Air Force general has promoted the theory that, in addition to McVeigh's truck bomb, there were bombs inside the building.

Had McVeigh claimed credit and used his trial to make a political statement about Ruby Ridge and Waco, he might have had more success at achieving martyrdom. Instead he remained silent, pleaded not guilty and compelled the government to present a case against him.

In the last few years, the militia movement has practically evaporated. Today there are fewer than 200 such groups, most of them small and fragmented. Only recently a once-robust Michigan militia, which in 1995 claimed thousands of members, announced its demise.

Over time Timothy McVeigh's crime -- murdering 168 people -- became too much even for all but the most rabid of militia members to excuse. When most militia followers saw the picture of the bleeding, dying baby in the fireman's arms, they were repelled.

It's one thing to shoot pine stumps on weekend maneuvers, but quite another to kill babies in the name of freedom. McVeigh's idea that the death of innocents was merely "collateral damage" was the militias' collective undoing.

Are we any safer now that the militia movement has faded? Probably not. The radical fringe's willingness to resort to violence has long been with us. In the 1970s and 1980s, for instance, the anti-Semitic Posse Comitatus raged through the Midwest. In the late 1980s and early 1990s neo-Nazi skinhead groups grew, and they were responsible for a series of murders around the country.

Today's "hate groups" -- smaller, more Nazified, more revolutionary -- are perhaps even more dangerous than some of the groups in the militia movement. So while the particular movement that spawned Timothy McVeigh is dwindling, the threat of domestic terrorism remains very much alive.

Dees, co-author of Gathering Storm: America's Militia Threat, is the co-founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Ala. Potok is editor of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Report.