Liquor affecting your weight loss progress

A sedentary lifestyle coupled with daily consumption of alcohol can make you gain weight. Alcohol is nothing but empty calories...

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Do it in moderation. My CFO does triathalons, but when he drinks it's usually vodka and tonic or something like that. The few times that I've seen him drink beer, it's been something crappy like Michelob Ultra. On occassion, dude's had a Stella Artois (good choice, btw).
You should limit or discontinue intake of alcohol if you are trying to lose weight.


Empty calories...also agree.
Yeast and Sugars are not our friend.
For the most part if I'm trying to lose weight I will not drink anything but water. If I have to have an occasional mixed drink after I've gotten to my
weight loss goal...I'll have a small drink with a shot of liquor and a splenda, caffeine free, diet soda or a cocktail juice that is sweetened only with Splenda. Most bars and restaurants don't have these types of I typically drink water period. Haven't had anything to drink since some wine on Christmas morning...Yeah I said morning! :lol:

Water works wonder for the skin...and overall health.